River Simplifications BBZ POKER
The River bundle aims to take the most important and least studied street in tournament poker and make it accessible and understandable. River pots are big, they’re often skipped in casual hand analysis, and solvers fail to deal with the specificity problem. There are simply too many rivers to solve them all.
Using toy games and river hand-analysis, BBZ takes one of the least understood aspects of poker and makes it simple and easy to understand.
The purpose of this bundle is to take arguably the most important and least studied street in tournament poker and make it accessible and understandable. River play always comes at the end of the hand and as a result gets skipped in the casual analysis of a hand history but there’s a big problem with that. River pots are big. River spots are also difficult to solve using precise solver methods because there are simply too many flops and variations on the turn. Total simplification using toy games is the answer to higher level strategy.