Overnight Monster: The Bluff Barbarian

Original price was: 26,00 $.Current price is: 22,10 $.

The Bluff Barbarian
This anticipated follow-up course to Overnight Monster combines millions of hands of small- and mid-stakes players to profile and massacre mediocre regs.

Why The Bluff Barbarian

Scientifically Breakdown Leaks

Learn the dozen shockingly common formations where you can AUTOMATICALLY profit with bluffs, backed with millions of hands of data. Know exactly when to bet and how much with CONFIDENCE.

Exploitative Pre-Flop Charts

How does a solver play against a loose, tricky limper? What about tight 3-bettors? Predictable 4-bettors? Don’t guess: use exact solves to maximize pressure on weakness and dodge bullets against strength.

Range Composition Analysis

When someone bets huge on the turn, how often will they barrel the river? What do flop overbets mean? What are players donk betting? Use hard data to categorize your opponents faster and attack when they’re weak.