Run it once Knockout Tournament Mastery.
I am excited and pleased to let you know about the release of my new Bounty course, “Knockout Tournament Mastery”
This course will help you answer questions like how much is a bounty worth, how do bounties impact ICM, and how to adjust tour strategies both preflop and postflop in every scenario you will face – we start from the fundamentals all the way to the most advanced bounty concepts, including mystery bounties. On top of that, there are tools given out like spreadsheets, powerpoints and a PKO quiz. Also included are 4 hand history/FT reviews, both by me and guests Graftekkel and Oneh1twonder.
You’ll Learn:
- The fundamentals and advanced theory behind progressive knockout tournaments, along with practical examples for the application of this theory.
- How to use Holden Resources Calculator to study bounty tournament preflop strategies and export the output in PIOsolver.
- Solver-based explanations for the preflop strategy adjustments to make when being the covering or covered stack in different scenarios.
- How bubble and final table ICM works in PSKOs and how it differs from regular tournaments.
- The postflop adjustments to make when covering or being covered.
- The solver based theory behind mystery bounties.